Mass effect 3 pc cheats
Mass effect 3 pc cheats

mass effect 3 pc cheats

Aim at the fast-moving enemy and then get out of the command wheel. This will freeze the game, but you’ll still be able to aim your gun at foes all the while. Open up the command wheel when engaging them in combat. If you want to have an easier time shooting and killing fast-moving enemies such as Geth Hoppers, Geth Drones, and the like, try the following.

  • walk - Use this command to disengage fly.
  • setrenegade X - Receive Renegade points where X equals the amount.
  • mass effect 3 pc cheats

  • setparagon X - Receive Paragon points where X equals the amount.
  • initsalvage X - Acquire Medigel where X equals the amount.
  • initcredits X - Set credits to amount as represented by X.
  • ghost - Allows you to walk through hard objects like walls.
  • givexp X - Receive experience points where X equals the amount.
  • Have not tried with the 'Wear any armor' cheat listed below.)
  • givesuperarmor - Acquire the Super Armor (Only humans and asari can wear this.
  • givetalentpoints X - Receive talent points where X equals the amount (only works for Commander Shepard).
  • giveallxmods - Acquire all weapons and armor modifications.
  • giveallweapons X - Acquire all weapons where X equals the maker.
  • giveallomnitools - Acquire all of the game’s omni tools.
  • giveallgrenades X - Acquire all grenades where X equals the maker.
  • giveallbioamps X - Acquire all of the game’s bio amps, where X equals the maker.
  • giveallarmorturian X - Acquire all Turian armor where X equals the maker.
  • giveallarmorquarian X - Acquire all Quarian armor where X equals the maker.
  • giveallarmorkrogan X - Acquire all Krogan armor where X equals the maker.
  • giveallarmorhuman X - Acquire all human armor where X equals the maker.
  • giveallarmor X - Acquire all armor where X equals the maker.
  • giveall X- Acquire all of the game’s gear, save armor, where X equals the maker.
  • adjustcredits +/- X - Add or subtract credits where X equals amount.
  • Also, check our other guides and cheats for Rage 2 and other games. Let us know if we are missing any command or cheats for Mass Effect Andromeda.
  • PostProcess.ScreenSpaceRaytraceFullresEnable.
  • PostProcess.ScreenSpaceRaytraceSeparateCoverageEnable.
  • PostProcess.ScreenSpaceRaytraceDeferredResolveEnable.
  • PostProcess.SpriteDofHalfResolutionEnable.
  • RenderDevice.DxDiagDriverDetectionEnable.
  • RenderDevice.StereoSoldierZoomConvergenceScale.
  • WorldRender.LightTileCombineOutdoorLightEnable.
  • WorldRender.EmitterSunTransmittanceMapResolution.
  • WorldRender.EmitterSunTransmittanceMapEnabled.
  • WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable.
  • mass effect 3 pc cheats

    To Activate the cheat you need to press the tilde key ( ~) then type “ list” without quotation and press enter to see a complete list of all Mass Effect Andromeda console commands in the game.

    Mass effect 3 pc cheats